Saturday, October 11, 2008

Monkey Business


I saw this recently on the news and found it really amusing!

Monkeys, like humans are able to understand language and communicate with humans. Perhaps the reason behind this, is that monkeys are the evolution of humans and have adopted some humanistic qualities.

What makes this so interesting is that although they are merely monkeys, they are still able to comprehend the japanese language and serve the customers with drinks and hot towels in the restaurant!!

Communication does not only involve humans. All living creatures are able to communicate with one another and i believe that there are no boundaries to communication. In this case, there is non-verbal communication depicted through the kinesics(study of body movement) and physical appearance of monkeys. The monkey is assigned to do human tasks (serving) and through its affect dispays(display of emotions) and body language, the japanese customers are able to readily accept this novel idea and develop a liking for its adorable behaviour. What's more is that the monkeys are dressed in uniforms which creates a very fun appearance.

The monkeys are not perceived as pets in this unique restaurant, customers are able relate with these clever creatures and treat them as part of a family. If i were to visit Japan, i would definitely take a trip down to this special place!


Kai Siang said...

Even though monkeys cannot speak the human language, they can learn to interpret certain words. It is also interesting to know even though we cannot converse with them, we can understand them from their actions and them understanding out verbal language. The suppose human animal barrier is least prominent here.

buzz said...

doesn't monkeys make better waiter and waitress then human beings? they only understand certain cues from the human language and will perform the service innocently.

i read somewhere that even though animals(in this case monkeys) can be conditioned to be like humans in certain aspects, but they are ultimately still animals. the next time you visit the shop, bring along a bunch of bananas, see what will happen. whilst it is interesting to see animals behaving like human beings, it is definitely saddening if one day we see humans behaving like animals. (see my blog!) let us humans, a higher and powerful life-form, prove ourselves better than animals, be it courtesy, politeness or cleanliness!

Anonymous said...

When i first saw this on the news, i was smiling!

Indeed, i'm sure taming these monkeys are not a simple task. So kudos to the shop owner and his creativity!

However, I remember reading several reports of monkey being a nuisance to the residents in Bukit Timah and feeding of monkeys is actually an offence which carries a S$3000 fine.

It is somehow ironic that in Singapore, we see monkeys as irritants but in Japan, people make the best use of the their talents.

Ms Bendy said...

Hi Deborah. It's interesting to see how monkeys can also become restaurants.

But I'm just wondering, if it was possible for the animal trainers to train the monkeys to do such things, can the monkeys also be trained to do other things more than that?

Anonymous said...

It is truly wonderful to know that animals and humans can get along so fine. When was the last time we saw something so heartwarming as such?

I find it absolutely beautiful that the monkeys are given respect, just like humans. It is this where humans can learn that animals, although very different from human beings, possess some very similar characteristics in comparison, perhaps their strong sense of loyalty and fondness for affection.

Apart from that, all i can say is great work, Japanese! You have come out with something new and fascinating every now and then.

Anonymous said...

Monkey, the closest animal relative to humans has indeed displayed its "human characteristics" in this video.

With just cues and signals, the monkey is able to perform its task without any mistakes, and it is just amazing.

Interesting video (:

Indi said...

Niw this is one place i would love to eat in. It's truly amazing that the monkey was able to learn what it does just by watching the owner do the work. The other is alos a ble to undersatnd what the customers are asking for.

I truly wonder would we be able to get such unique services in s'pore. It sure would be a break from the norm.

yijing said...

Im not a monkey-person. but this certainly brought a smile to my face!

Some people say that monkey are human's distant relatives, and in this case, it sort of proved it, doesn't it? It is sort of unbelievable that they are able to apprenhand what the customers are talking about.

Do you think that the owner make use of conditioning to 'teach' the monkeys how to serve?? so many different instructions and they are able to understand all and serve! amazing.

Always love the interesting fun facts that you wrote in your entries! More please!
