Friday, September 26, 2008

Tainted Milk? Blame Who?

The China milk scandal have alerted all countries to divert attention to the quality of all export products from China. In the aim to enhance the nutritional value of milk, the dairy firm, Sanlu Group, added the industrial chemical melamine, which is normally used to make plastics. Instead of improving protein levels through this "improved" milk formula, many children had developed kidney stones which can cause death.

In China alone, a total of 53,000 children have been sick and the figures are still increasing despite stringent measures on food safety after 2 children died. The death toll today marks a total of 4, and it prompted a host of nations to ban, or at least scrutinise Chinese dairy imports, further tarnishing the "Made in China" label.
Public anger was only directed to the second and third tier officials, mainly communist officials in various provinces. This was partly due to the fact that when Sanlu received complaints of sick children, these provincial officials delayed referring the matter to higher authorities for over a month after Sanlu told them about the problem in Aug 2. It was obvious that the chinese government did not want to disclose it internatonally because it would mean negative publicity in the period of the Oympics.

Personally, i find that this was a rather selfish act. The fact that the Oympics clashed with this incident negatively, puts the chinese government in a great dilenma, to disclose it or not. The decision they made was not a very considerate one. They saved the nation from negative publicity, only at the expense of its people. Now that the situation has worsened, their initial objective was also unfortunately backfired. Not only does China's children suffer, the nation also faces a crisis in maintaining its market reputation.

Another aspect of this issue is globalisation. With globalisation, we are able to get access to more goods and services produced around the world. At first thought, we would think that this seems rather beneficial. However, through this incident, i realised that globalisation gives rise to grave disadvantages too. It aids in the spread of harmful effects very quickly and in this case, tainted milk has affected everyone internationally in one way or another.

Babies and children are the most innocent ones who are affected by this scandal. Due to this, mothers start to breastfeed or even hire nannies, instead of relying on any milk products.

I believe majority of us would often think twice before buying products made in China for safety reasons after what had happened.

To be honest, I'm one of the "victims" of this incident. My family and i have been snacking on "House of Potato" biscuits for quite some time and recently, found out that it could also cause danger, through the news!!!!!!!!! We were all shocked upon the notice, so i think it is very very important to check the safety of our food before we consume anything.
(Thank God only 30 packets of "House of Potato" a day,can cause serious problems.)

Anyway, here is a list of food items to take note in Singapore:
Dutch Lady banana flavoured milk
Dutch Lady honeydew flavoured milk
Silang - House of Steamed Potato - potato biscuits
Puffed Rice Rolls - butter corn flavour
Puffed Rice Rolls - cheese flavour
Yi Li Choice Dairy Fruit Bar Yogurt Flavoured Ice Confection
Dutch Lady Strawberry Flavoured Milk
White Rabbit Creamy Candy

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Spray Paint Art

This is a video on spray paint art. This fascinating and unique form of art is usually performed on streets, in metropolitan cities. The paintings often create surreal landscapes of planets, comets, pyramids, cities and nature scenes, mainly on posterboard.

This incredible artform utilizes mininal tools such as aerosol spray paint and scrap materials like unwanted newspapers, magazines and cardboard that are readily available. What's more is that it merely takes less than 15minutes to complete an art piece. An important aspect in the art is the music that often accompanies the performance. This inspires the artist and is an integral part of the experience for the spectator.

This video allowed me to view art in a different perspective. I always thought that 'artistic' people are the only ones able to appreciate art. However, after watching this video, i realised that it opened my eyes to the wonders of art. The special 3-D effect that the spectacular art pieces create is what captivated me most.

I believe art and music are forms of non-verbal communication. Music is a universal language that is an important aspect in our lives. In this video, music plays as a key factor in 'communicating' with the artist to help develop ideas. Music is also cleverly used to draw audiences to his performance and add to its entertainment value.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I Love The World


This commercial is from Discovery Channel. It mainly portrays our love for the world through the various characters that each of us play in our daily lives.

I find this particular commercial very appealing because the message that it is trying to convey is simple and is able to bring people together. The song (Boom De Yah Dah!) that accompanies this commercial has a very catchy tune and is easy to follow. I believe this is the reason why it was stuck in my head for quite some time even after a day. I feel that this commercial pulls people together because it emphasizes on acheiving logos, pathos and ethos. People can relate well to this light-hearted commercial because it involves the world.

In my opinion, a successful commercial is one that can effectively put across its message through simple means and one that lives a strong impression on its receiver. I would consider this commercial as one of them.

Besides being effective, this commercial also promotes Discovery Channel. The people in the commercial are hosts of different shows in the channel. Thus, it enables people who have watched their shows, to relate better to the commercial. Furthermore, the commercial depicts different parts of the world which are rarely seen and can only be introduced to others through Discovery Channel.

Boom de yah dah!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Two-headed Baby Dies


A baby with two heads has died because his parents could not afford to pay for his medical care.

The boy, named Kiron, was born on Monday to a 22-year-old mother in the Bangladesh town of Keshobpur. When word spread, a huge crowd of at least 150,000 people surrounded the hospital hoping to see him.

Doctors said they could raise the money to take him 100 miles to the capital Dhaka, but warned there would be ongoing medical costs.
Kiron's poverty-stricken parents said they could not afford further treatment, and against the advice of doctors, took him home to their village near Keshobpur.
There the child, who at first seemed healthy, developed a fever and died.

Privately, doctors said it would have been a miserable life for Kiron had he overcome his initial medical problems.
'Perhaps it was God's will that he passed away,' said one.
'We wanted to refer him to a hospital in Dhaka but the family was so poor that they could not afford to take him there, so they took him home where he died,' paediatrician K S Alam told the AFP news agency.

Officials feared that unless the baby was moved from the clinic in Bangladesh, where he was born, to a more secure hospital, the crowd would force their way in to gaze at the amazing sight.
If that happened, it was feared, mother and baby would be crushed.

In the past, babies born with physical abnormalities have been viewed in countries such as Bangladesh and India as living gods.
Kiron was born in a caesarean operation on Monday, weighing just over 12lb, in Keshobpur, 100 miles from the capital, Dhaka.
Newspaper Samakal said many well-wishers had left money for the baby's family.

The fact that baby Kiron died because his poverty-stricken parents could not afford the substantial amount of medical bills, made this is a very tragic incident. He was not given a chance to live.

Personally, I would rather baby Kiron not live. Indeed, it is inhumane to have such a thought, but I believe that if he were to have an opportunity to receive medical help, life would be miserable for him. The immense pain and suffering that he has to go through would not end in just one hospital visit. It would stay with him as long as he gets to live. In such a situation, not only does Kiron suffer, his parents and closed ones would have to bear with the pain, looking at him fighting through such an ordeal. Kiron’s parents would also need to devote a lot of time and effort in taking care of him as there may be multiple health implications that would arise. Besides, financial difficulties would pose as a constant issue that his parents have to struggle with. Ultimately, they have to seek medical help from countries with more advanced medical facilities which are unavailable in Bangladesh. This would then increase the burden for them. Furthermore, when Kiron grows up, he may not able to live like a normal boy. The search for society to accept him as a normal human being would be an arduous task.

However, I am confident that Kiron’s parents have not regretted giving birth to him. Although, they only get to spend a few days with him, the moments that they share together would stay within them for a lifetime.

Another interesting issue in this article is the cultural differences that many societies have. Kiron, being a baby with a physical abnormality is being worshipped by the Bangladeshis as a living God and the center of attention. Yet, in Asian societies, instead of being amazed by babies with abnormalities, they would often avoid discussing about such issues and have a compassionate view towards them. This greatly shows how each society views certain issues in a different manner.